Friday, April 25, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008


- Average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 -- $197,600

- Average annual cost or raising a child -- $11,000

- Average annual cost of living in Washington DC -- $43,000

- Average annual income in US-- $44,000

We appear to be coming up $10,000 short. However, let's multiply the average annual income by two to account for a dual-income family: $88,000. Still a spare $30,000 every year. But wait, don't you want your kids to have a future?

- Average annual cost of college (public) -- $13,000

- Average annual cost of college (private) -- $30,000

Four years of this will run you between $52,000 - $120,000. So save between $3,000 - $6,500 every year.

- Single parents come out $13,000 per child short every year. I don't reccomend it.

- Dual income families have an average of $27,000 to spare. But subtract another $14,000 per child.

- I'd rather save that extra $1,000 (single) to $45,000 (dual income). It'll end up as $18,000 - $810,000 over the course of 18 years. Let's just skip the kids and retire before we're 40.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trust your mechanic...

T.V. invents a disease you think you have
So you buy our drugs and soon you depend on them
Embedded in your mind, got you coming for more
Again and again and again and again
Gonna rip you off
The magazine says your face doesn't look quite right
Unless you wear our brand new wonder cream tonight
Never look right again unless you grease your skin
Again and again and again and again
Gonna rip you off
Doctor says you need surgery now
You're feeling good 'til the side effects fuck up something else
You're ensnared by the medicine man
Paying out the ass again and again
Gonna rip you off
Trust your mechanic to mend your car
Bring it in to his garage
He tightens and loosens a few spare parts
One thing's fixed, another falls apart
And the rich eat you

Monday, April 14, 2008

And Now, A Joke...

-How do you get a baby out of a blender?


P.S. You're welcome.

*Disclaimer: The author of the above statement does not condone or promote the murder or consumption of babies. He simply finds dead baby jokes hilarious. No babies were harmed in crafting of this joke.*

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I was recently invited via e-mail to join the Washington Internship Program. This program allows students to work with many big companies from the DC area for the low price of $3,400. For ONE summer!? So, let me get this straight. These companies are not only getting a summer's worth of free work out of students, but they're also charging them an amount comparable to an entire semester's tuition for this? What an "opportunity"... It's no wonder how the rich keep getting richer.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Matrix

Ah, boys will be boys. This is an amusing video I stumbled upon on youtube. It worked on two levels for me; not only did his failed attempt at a Neo impression prove funny, but the video also got me feeling all nostalgic. I miss what the 4th of July meant to me when I was a kid. It used to be about following my pyromaniacal urges and testing the limits of what my parents would let me endanger myself with. Nowadays, the holiday seems more about "patriotism" to me... Somewhere along the line, I lost sight of what this holiday is truly about; irresponsible, potential-fire-hazard filled fun.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Shameless Plug

Our project is the BEST WEBSITE EVER. It's a free way to share pictures, music, stories, and video with other people who have tattoos and peircings.

<--- Think she's hot? Well, she hasn't joined yet... But she's sure to join our social network for tatoo/piercing lovers as soon as she sees how awesome it is. Where there's ink, there's a story. Come share yours at Follow The Ink.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's Pat!

I saw this video on MTV this morning. Initial reaction: err... man or woman!? I've watched the video a few times, and I'm still not sure. So I'll tackle both sides of the issue.

- A note to androgynous men: if you kind of look like a girl already, dark eyeshadow and long hair may not be in your best interests.

- A note to androgynous women: if you already have some masculine features, wearing men's clothing and singing in a deep voice is a big mistake.

I'm not sure which is the case with the lead singer of this band, but I remain quite scared of this androgynous something-or-other. Blurring of gender lines is not something I'm used to in this wonderfully homophobic nation of ours, so I find myself ill-prepared to deal with this situation. I suggest this guy/girl choose one and stick with it. I don't think anyone would be able to prove him/her wrong either way...